They say here in France that a patisserier’s skills can be judged by just one dessert: the Paris-Brest. Which puts
Philippe Conticini at the top of the choux-filled heap.
Six months ago, Conticini—who
opened La Patisserie de Reves last year—was awarded the best Paris-Brest in the city. Two months ago, he opened a gorgeous salon de thé in the 16eme (Bon Marché shoppers arent’ the only ladies who lunch). The man is on a roll.

Of course it’s not all about the Paris-Brest (even if it is a little ring of heaven, with liquid praliné piped inside the hazelnut cream).

Beneath each individual glass-domed frigo is a mouth-watering, stomach-rumbling visual masterpiece.
Raspberry and lemon meringue tartes…

…chocolate and coffee éclairs….

…strawberries and cream.

His daring Saint-Honoré and dazzling Alliance.

Even his wee cookies are arresting.

Some of the delights dare not even be covered by casings.
Like this—the biggest brioche

Rivaled only by the enormous madeleines.

And if you’re worried that you will put away an entire tarte or cake yourself, don’t worry.

And a lovely tearoom and terrace in which to indulge.

Best of Paris? You bet.