Saturday, December 04, 2010

There is (definitely) something about Mary

Every since I saw a magazine article and photo of the crystal dishes filled with truffles at Mary Chocolatier in Brussels, I’ve wanted to go. So last weekend, I took Sarah and Jo on a death march to find the place.

It wasn’t easy, but it worth it.

The chocolatier and their recipes have been around since 1919. In 1942, King Leopold III gave them the royal seal of approval. Needless to say, plenty of other notable figures—and plebes like us—have traipsed through the doors since then for their pralines, truffles, caramels, ganaches.

Bonbons, tablettes, mendiants, molded marzipan.

The boutique and the packaging were almost as heavenly as the bonbons.

And I made sure I had my fair share.


cocoa and coconut said...

You should have your "fair share;" what a unique and beautiful place to visit! Those boxes are gorgeous, and the chocolates are fit for kings.

veggietestkitchen said...

Wow, looks like you made out like a bandit! Your site reminds me how much beauty there is in food.

Helen said...

Decadent! Love the packaging -- very laduree with the pastels. So happy you had a great time!

erin said...

I want to live in that shopping bag! Just me, and the chocolate, and the pretty packaging.

Dmarie said...

what a divine shop! thx for taking us along

Sweet Freak said...

Ahhh... thank you for the comments. You are right: so much beauty in food, a shopping bag like that would be a divine place to live, and it was unique, magical and I was happy to make out like a bandit (and share with you)!

Parisbreakfasts said...

I love the boxes...
Wish I loved truffles (either kind) but I find them relentlessly dense. I'd rather eat a chocolate bar square by square....
Very pretty place though :)